Committed to ensuring customer satisfaction

Our Mission

BAC is committed to its mission of providing bespoke high quality engineering and environmental consultancy services

Our Vision

BAC aims to be recognized as the premier multifaceted engineering consultancy business services partner

Quality Management

Principles centred on quality planning, control, assurance and improvement

Operating a Quality Management System

BAC is committed to ensuring customer satisfaction by consistently providing Engineering, Project Management and Environmental Services which conforms to customer requirements.

BAC shall ensure that the above is achieved by:

  • All members of staff fully understanding and supporting the firm’s approach to quality.
  • Its understanding of the internal and external issues relevant to the company and its strategic direction which can affect the Quality Management Systems ability to achieve the intended results.
  • Establishing departmental quality objectives which are used to achieve BACs quality intentions and also drive improvement.
  • Ensuring that we comply with the applicable regulatory, statutory and quality management system requirements and continually improve the systems effectiveness.
  • Determining organisational risks, opportunities and mitigation measures to prevent potential process risks and safe guard the Quality Management Systems capabilities and
  • Determining interested parties who are relevant to our Quality Management System and their requirements, as well as provide access to our Quality Policy to the relevant interested parties.

This Quality Policy Statement and corresponding quality objectives shall be reviewed at least once a year to take into account changing quality management systems and practices for continuing suitability and effectiveness.